High-performance Organisations Use These Shared Assumptions as a Basis For Their Policies

High-performance Organisations Use These Shared Assumptions as a Basis For Their Policies

High-performance organisations stand out for their ability to adapt, innovate, and consistently deliver exceptional results. At the core of their success lies a set of shared assumptions and beliefs that form the basis of their policies and practices. Let’s delve into some of these key assumptions and explore how they contribute to organisational excellence.

Connecting with What’s Alive in People

High-performance organisations recognise that their most valuable asset is the relationships amongst and between their people. By focusing on folks’ needs and aspirations, these companies create an environment where individuals can thrive and contribute their best work.

Who Influences Our Decisions and Priorities?

Understanding the stakeholders who matter most is crucial for making informed decisions. Top-performing organisations have a clear grasp of whose input carries weight and use this knowledge to shape their strategies effectively.

The Collective Psyche of the Organisation

Successful companies cultivate a collective mindset that aligns with their goals and values. This shared mental model helps guide decision-making and fosters a sense of unity among team members.

A Clear Definition of Organisational Success

High-performance organisations have a well-defined concept of success that goes beyond mere financial metrics. This holistic view of achievement helps drive alignment, sustainable growth and long-term value creation.

Organisational Culture: The Invisible Force

Culture is the invisible force that shapes behaviour and drives performance. Leading organisations invest in creating and maintaining a culture that supports their objectives and empowers their workforce.

The Structure of the Organisation

Innovative companies understand that organisational structure can either hinder or facilitate success. They design flexible structures that promote collaboration, agility, and rapid decision-making.

Coevolution: Adapting to Change

In a rapidly evolving business landscape, high-performance organisations embrace the concept of coevolution. They continuously adapt their collective assumptions and beliefs to stay in step with organisational changes and market dynamics.

Human, and Humane, Relationships

Building strong, positive relationships within the organisation is a hallmark of high-performance companies. They foster a culture of trust, respect, and open communication that enhances collaboration and productivity.

Remuneration: Beyond the Pay Cheque

While competitive salaries are important, leading organisations understand that remuneration goes way beyond monetary compensation. They develop comprehensive motivational systems that align with their values and enable employees to excel.


In conclusion, high-performance organisations leverage these shared assumptions – and others, see my books Quintessence and Memeology for a full and detailed list – to create a dynamic, adaptable, and successful business environment. By focusing on human needs, cultivating a strong culture, and embracing change, these companies position themselves at the forefront of their industries and drive sustainable growth.

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