The Antimatter Principle Definition of “Done”

The Antimatter Principle Definition of “Done”

When is a product truly “done”? In the world of software and product development, this question sparks endless debate. Requirements shift, stakeholders disagree, and goalposts continuously move. But the Antimatter Principle offers a refreshing perspective.

The Antimatter Principle

According to the Antimatter Principle, a product is done when all the needs of all the folks that matter have been adequately* met. Seems simple enough, right? But unpacking this requires digging a bit deeper.

Who Are the “Folks That Matter”?

The Folks that Matter™ encompass everyone with a stake in the product’s success – developers, designers, customers, business leaders, investors, regulators, and more. Identifying and prioritising their diverse needs is the primary critical effort.

Meeting Needs “Adequately”

What does it mean to meet needs adequately? This involves coming to understand what each group within the Folks That Matter™ consider adequate. Perfect is the enemy of good, so aiming for adequacy keeps efforts focused on delivering value efficiently.

An Ongoing Process

Even with this guiding principle, “done” is rarely final. Customers’ and society’s needs evolve, technology advances, and business contexts shift. So in truth, being “done” is more of an ongoing cycle of continuous delivery, iteration and adaptation.This, BTW, is a compelling argument in favour of *product* development over “projects” (and see: #NoProjects).

Embracing the Ambiguity

Ultimately, there is no universal “Definition of Done” that works for every product and context. But applying the Antimatter Principle helps teams embrace ambiguity, align efforts, and keep moving their products meaningfully forward.

By keeping the Folks That Matter™ at the centre and striving to understand and meet their core needs adequately, teams can navigate the path to “done” with clarity and purpose – even as that path keeps winding.

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